上海诺美学校G10 数学入学考试大纲
上海诺美学校G10 数学入学考试大纲Syllabus of Entry Examination of G10 Maths
G10 数学入学考试大纲
Candidates can follow the syllabus content of Shanghai High School
Grade One Maths of domestic school, details as following parts:
47、Sphere: 球
48、一次函数 Linear function
49、二次函数: Quadratic function
50、函数的变化法则:Transformation of functions
51、立体图形的体积:Volume of solids
52、多项式函数:Polynomial function
53、圆,圆和直线的关系: Circles and position of lines
54、函数和函数的性质:Function and its properties
55、三角比:Trigonometric ratio
56、线和线, 线和面,面和面的关系:Position of lines and planes in 3-D
57、Logarithm and exponential function:对数函数和指数函数
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江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://nuomei.ctiku.com/dongtai/9.html